About Us
In June 2016, following an open tender process, Pakar Scieno TW Sdn Bhd (PSTW) was awarded a 15-year contract to develop, establish and implement the Environmental Quality Monitoring Program (EQMP), which represents a new era in environmental quality monitoring network design and technology in Malaysia.
PSTW, with our core team of experienced air and water scientists and engineers, is driven by our mission to raise the standard of environmental monitoring in Malaysia to be at par with the best in the world.
Towards this end, we have established an organisation built on innovative, state-of-the-art monitoring technologies and ICT, incorporating elements of IOT, coupled with extensive operational experience and supported by a team of air and water scientists and engineers.
Guided by international benchmarking, we have established partnerships with innovative monitoring technology providers, while every facet of our operations is based on international standards and guidelines. Indeed, our Quality Assurance and Quality Control program represents the epicentre of the company.
The mission of the company is to consistently provide to the Department of Environment (DoE) ready and consistent access to quality-assured data, generate relevant information and facilitate management decisions related to, not only the ambient environment, but also to pollution sources, thus optimising enforcement activities.

Ambient Air
Good air quality is fundamental to our well-being. The presence of pollutants in the air can adversely affect our health, cause ecological damage, as well as exert adverse impacts to our climate. In Malaysia, strategies, including regulatory instruments to manage air pollution has contributed to relatively clean air for its people. However, some pollutants, including those arising from transboundary sources can still exceed the relevant standards.
An essential element in managing the quality of our air is an effective and meaningful air quality monitoring and assessment network.
River Water
Rivers in Malaysia represent the main source of potable water for its people. In addition, rivers are used in industries and the agricultural sector, as well as a means of transport and recreation. Pollution is the largest threat to our rivers, arising from domestic and industrial discharge, land clearing and development activities as well as run-off from urban and agricultural areas.
As the nation develops, so has the approach to managing our water resources evolve from being reactive in nature to the adoption of a more sustainable approach. In tandem with this, the need for a more meaningful and effective monitoring program has also become necessary.

Marine Water
Malaysia’s estuarine, coastal and marine environment is abundant with a wealth of marine ecosystems, habitat and biodiversity. Our coastal waters and seas and the resources within are hugely important in contributing to our economic and social needs. At the same time, our marine waters are susceptible to both land-based, as well as sea-based sources of pollution such as shipping activities and those related to the oil & gas sector. Common pollutants that can be devastating in its impact include oil pollution as well as discharge of excessive nutrients.
Recognising this, Malaysia strongly subscribes to the principle of sustainable development as a key element in its management strategy related to our marine waters.
An essential element in managing our coastal and marine waters is an effective and meaningful water quality monitoring and assessment network encompassing coastal, estuarine and marine waters.