1 NOVEMBER 2022: As an integral part of the Environmental Quality Monitoring Program (EQMP), the data management system and the many related functions of the Environmental Data Centre has continuously undergone upgrades and improvements since commencing operations in July 2017. While these efforts have been gradual and ad hoc in nature, the latest improvement plan represents a significant upgrading of the system, designated as EQMP 2.0, to be rolled out in 2024. Development works which began with numerous engagements focusing on user requirement studies (URS) directed towards various levels of users in the Department of Environment (DOE) were undertaken in the last few months culminating in a workshop held on the 1st and 2nd November 2022. The User Requirement Study Verification Workshop on EQMP 2.0 was aimed at reaffirming the findings of the URS engagements and to seek additional feedback from DOE officers. The ultimate aim of EQMP 2.0 is to allow for a significant enhancement of the role and contribution of the EQMP in assisting the DOE in managing the nation’s air quality as well as its river and marine water quality.