15 DECEMBER 2022: PSTW was greatly honoured and privileged to receive the visit of H.E. Brian D. McFeeters, the Ambassador of the United States of America on the 15 December 2022 at our premise in Shah Alam.
H.E., who was accompanied by several members of his staff was briefed on the Environmental Quality Monitoring Program and the corresponding US technology applied in the program. In addition, the business activities of PSTW’s sister company, Transwater Environmental Services Sdn Bhd was also presented to his H.E., with emphasis on its portfolio of US technology and expertise.
During the visit, H.E. was kind enough to witness a signing ceremony, pertaining to the supply of spare parts and ancillaries between PSTW and the local distributor of Thermo Fisher Scientific, in the presence of the latter’s representative.
H.E. was also a witness to a signing ceremony in the granting of permission to Transwater Environmental Services Sdn Bhd to establish a authorised service centre for the YSI multi-parameter water quality sonde, by the Xylem Group.
PSTW would like to express its most heart-felt gratitude to H.E. Brian D. McFeeters and his staff for taking time to visit us and we wish him and his staff all the very best.